How to Convert PowerPoint to Video for Windows and macOS

Let’s say you want to share a PowerPoint presentation that includes your narration. What should you do?
Turn a PowerPoint into a video! Converting PPT or PPTX to MP4 is pretty easy, and you only need MS PowerPoint. With version 2010 or later, you can create a short movie out of your PPT slideshow quickly. In this article, you’ll learn how to do this step by step – whether you’re a Windows or macOS user.
This approach is perfect for those who have simple presentations without many effects, animations, and complex timings. Otherwise, you should use third-party video converters that will preserve your effects better.
Let’s see how you can convert your PowerPoint presentation to video using the default version of MS PowerPoint.
How to Convert PowerPoint Slides to MP4 Video in Windows
1. Open the PowerPoint file you want to convert. If it’s already open, save a backup copy of your latest version before the conversion to ensure that your video includes all recent changes.
2. Select File and then click Export if you use PowerPoint 2013 and above, or Save & Send if you’re using PowerPoint 2010.
3. Click on Create a Video.
4. Select your video quality. You don’t really need the highest screen resolution unless you want to show the video on a big screen — it will only take up space in your computer’s storage. Full HD is more than sufficient for most cases, including if you want to upload your video to YouTube.
5. If you have timings and narrations and want to preserve them in your video presentation, click on Use Recorded Timings and Narrations.
If you don’t have narrations yet but need them in your final MP4 file, you can record them at this stage by selecting Record Timings and Narrations.
6. If you don’t have custom timing for each slide, set the amount of time you want each of them to display. You can increase or decrease the time using the up or down arrow next to Seconds spent on each slide without a set timing.
7. Click on Create Video.
8. Now, select a location where you would like to save the PPT as a video and the necessary video format.
Once the conversion process is finished, it’s done! You’ve converted PPT to video.
How to Convert PPT to Video in macOS
1. Open the PowerPoint file you want to convert. If it’s already open, save a backup copy of your latest version before the conversion to ensure that your video includes all recent changes.
2. Select File and then click on Export.
3. Select the format of your video presentation in the File Format drop-down menu.
4. Next, select the quality of your video on the Quality menu. You don’t really need the highest screen resolution unless you want to show the video on a big screen — it will only take up space in your computer’s storage. Full HD is more than sufficient for most cases, including if you want to upload your video to YouTube.
5. If you have timings and narrations and want to preserve them in your video presentation, click on Use Recorded Timings and Narrations.
6. If you don’t have custom timings for each slide, set the amount of time you want each of them to display. You can increase or decrease the time using the up or down arrow next to Seconds spent on each slide without a set timing.
7. Click on Export.
And that’s it! Just wait for the conversion process to finish, and your MP4 presentation is ready.
Preserve Quality, Sounds, and Effects with a PowerPoint to MP4 Converter
PowerPoint is more than sufficient for simple presentations. However, we often see that, in more complex cases, the timings of slide transitions are inaccurate after you convert PPT to video.
If you want to preserve all of your PPT effects, transitions, and animations intact in your final video, use iSpring Converter Pro. Our PPT to MP4 converter was designed specifically for this sort of task and comes with a fully functioning 14-day free trial version.
What video formats are supported?
PowerPoint offers several format options: MPEG-4 Video (MP4), Windows Media Video (WMV) for Windows users, and MOV — for macOS users. If you need a different file format, you can use another video converter software.
Why convert PPT to MP4 videos?
People convert PowerPoint to MP4 for three main reasons:
- They want to share their presentations on social media, blogs, or video sharing sites.
- They want to protect their PowerPoint file from modification and repackaging by someone else.
- They want their presentation to display flawlessly on devices that support video, like smart TVs, tablets, and smartphones.
Will animations and transitions be preserved in the converted video?
It depends on the conversion method you use. MS PowerPoint preserves some simple effects, but in complex cases, animations can be distorted or lost. Some third-party converters, like iSpring Converter Pro, retain animations and transitions, while others may not. So, before turning your presentation into a video, check if your tool supports the effects in your slides.
Are there any recommended settings for optimizing video quality during conversion?
We advise selecting a resolution that’s based on your target platform (e.g., 1080p for YouTube). Additionally, consider adjusting settings like frame rate and bitrate for optimal quality.