Google has a new name for its API.AI solution: Dialogflow. API.AI first started out as an API that could add natural language processing capabilities to applications, services, and devices. According to the company, over the past year it has grown into more than just an API with new features such as its analytics tool and 33 prebuilt agents, which is why the company decided it was necessary to rename the solution.
“Our new name doesn’t change the work we’re doing with you or our mission. Our mission continues to be that Dialogflow is your end-to-end platform for building great conversational experiences and our team will help you share what you’ve built with millions of users,” Ilya Gelfenbeyn, lead product manager at Google, wrote in a post.
The company also announced two new features for Dialogflow: an in-line code editor and multi-lingual agent support.
CFCR becomes the Cloud Foundry’s default method for deploying containers
The Cloud Foundry Foundation has announced that Cloud Foundry Container Runtime (CFCR) is now the default Cloud Foundry approach to deploying containers using Kubernetes and BOSH. Users can now use the Container Runtime to deploy Kubernetes or application runtime for a Cloud Application Platform. This project was originally donated to the Cloud Foundry Foundation in June by Google and Pivotal, in order to expand choice for Cloud Foundry’s massive user base.
“The technology has progressed quickly—after only four months in incubation, the first commercial offering has already been launched. Container Runtime expands the capabilities of Cloud Foundry beyond Application Runtime, giving enterprises more options to take advantage of cloud-native best practices,” said Abby Kearns, executive director for the Cloud Foundry Foundation. “With nearly 70 percent of enterprises using containers in some capacity, choice is critical. This expansion enables businesses to take advantage of the power of Kubernetes combined with BOSH, an open source, enterprise-grade management tool.”
Microsoft adds UWP support for .NET Standard 2.0
Microsoft has announced a major update to UWP for .NET developers, which is their largest release since shipping .NET Native with Windows 10. The company is adding support for .NET Standard 2.0, which will give UWP developers access to about 20k more APIs. The update will also allow developers to migrate code into UWP apps more easily. UWP apps use .NET Core for debugging and .NET Native for release builds. This release adds incremental build support for .NET native, making debugging with .NET Native more approachable, according to the company.
Sauce Labs announces Extended Debugging for Selenium tests
Sauce Labs has announced Extended Debugging for Selenium tests, which provides faster resolution times for fixing errors. This tool combines browser console log information with networking data in order to determine the cause and location of a problem.
“Automated testing is the backbone of continuous delivery. By adding Extended Debugging to our platform, we’re ensuring that our customers can identify the root case of test failures faster,” said Lubos Parobek, vice president of product at Sauce Labs. “This has been a much anticipated addition to our platform as browser and networking failures can often be difficult to reproduce, troubleshoot and fix.”
Anchore releases Anchore Cloud 2.0
Anchore announced the release of Anchore Cloud 2.0, a series of software tools that provides developers, operations, and security teams with a means to achieve proper container compliance, both on-premises or in the cloud. Anchore Cloud is a SaaS product built on an open source analysis and policy engine, and allows users to look for container images on both public and private registries. Anchor is integrated with popular open source tools such as Jenkins and Kubernetes.
“Anchore Cloud 2.0 gives users the tools necessary to achieve a controllable containerized software flow in a way that can be certified by the user for their specific needs,” said Daniel Nurmi, CTO and cofounder of Anchore. “Coupled with our open source on-premise engine, Anchore Cloud 2.0 provides users the ability to quickly and easily integrate powerful inspection, reporting, and security and compliance checks into their existing or new container build environments.”
Syncfusion updates Dashboard and Data Integration platforms
Syncfusion is announcing an update to their Dashboard and Data Integration platforms. In this release, the Dashboard Platform and Data Integration Platform will be integrated, enabling users to access workflows from the Data Integration Server in the Dashboard. New Dashboard features include advanced sorting options for the Dashboard Designer, a common ODBC connection, a waterfall chart widget, and a widget for radar and polar charts.
The Data Integration Platform now offers a user-friendly design for processors, process groups, and ports, allowing views to be expanded and collapsed. It also features support for monitoring tasks, and allowing disk and JVM memory to be monitored.
“We’ve been very pleased at the success of our Data Platform,” said Daniel Jebaraj, vice president. “We’ve taken some innovative steps toward simplifying effective data usage for businesses, and we hope to continue improving the platform with releases like this.”