An American (pronouns he/him) with an interest in a robust public domain. Informal 2024 undeletion list is slowly being formed, will check 1953 deaths in December, as well as 1928 publication. Then 1943 and 1944 deaths, 1903 works and 1949 deaths will be checked User:Abzeronow/2024undeletionlist. Hoping everyone is well in these confusing times. Currently working on maintenance categories such as Category:Files moved to Commons requiring review as of 1 August 2009 and Category:Files moved from en.wikipedia to Commons requiring review as of 29 January 2012 and Category:Files moved from en.wikipedia to Commons requiring review as of 4 June 2010 and Category:Files moved from en.wikipedia to Commons requiring review as of 10 July 2017 and Category:Files moved to Commons requiring review as of 28 May 2010 and Category:Files moved from en.wikipedia to Commons requiring review as of 17 March 2012 and Category:Files moved from en.wikipedia to Commons requiring review as of 2 January 2012
Useful lesson on how GFDL-only licenses finally went away: User:Alexis Jazz/Do disrupt Commons to illustrate a point.
Favorite Artists:
en:Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italy
en:Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), The Netherlands
en:René Magritte (1898-1967), Belgium
en:Akira Toriyama (1955-2024), Japan
en:Noizi Ito (born 1977), Japan
Artwork I've Photographed
Photograph of da Vinci's en:Lady with an Ermine that I took in Czartoryski Museum on August 6, 2024, the day before Wikimania 2024