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Deutsch: GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program, ursprünglich: General Image Manipulation Program) ist ein Bildbearbeitungsprogramm, das als Freie Software unter der GNU General Public Licence (GPL) veröffentlicht wird.
English: GNU Image Manipulation Program or GIMP is a free software graphics editor. It uses GTK for its interface.
Eesti: GIMP — GNU Image Manipulation Program — on levinud vabatarkvaraline pilditöötlusprogramm.
Español: GNU Image Manipulation Program o GIMP es un editor de gráficos libre. Utiliza GTK como interfaz.
Français : GNU Image Manipulation Program ou GIMP est un logiciel d'édition graphique libre. Il utilise GTK comme interface.
Português: O GNU Image Manipulation Program ou GIMP é um programa para edição e criação de imagens bitmap.
The Gimp screenshot
Another screenshot
GIMP 2.2.8
'Save as' command
Xsane dialog
GIMP 2.4 in German
Toolbox of GIMP 2.6.10 (German)
[edit]All videos use ogg theora container/codec. Please view the help page if you can't see this videos.
Video showing how to convert from color to black and white.
Video on how to crop a photo using The GIMP.
Video on adjusting a photo with levels tool in The GIMP.
Video about using sharpen and blur filters with The GIMP
Video about using basic text in The GIMP
The other original Wilber made with Vectors
Mosaic Wilber
The actual original Wilber distributed with the GIMP package