In this article, I'll cover everything you need to know about writing a technical blog to make it easier for you to create your following articles. This article suits those who write a lot of tutorial-style technical blog posts.
What is a technical blog post?
A technical blog is written content focused on sharing knowledge and teaching the user a technical subject. Most technical focus on teaching a user how to use a technology.
How to write a technical blog post
A technical blog should have at least three main sections: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
The introduction is a short paragraph under the blog post title.
The introduction is where you tell the users what you will teach them. In this section, you should tell your readers what to expect when reading the article.
Ideally, the introduction should be 3-5 sentences long.
Depending on your topic, you may want to add a "Prerequisites" section. In the prerequisites section, you tell the users what they must have installed on their laptops before they can start the tutorial.
You must add this section to ensure your readers can complete your tutorial.
The body of your technical blog is where you'll dive deeper into the topic you want to cover.
Step-by-step approach
If you write tutorial-style blog posts, use a step-by-step approach for better readability.
The user should accomplish one task for each step.
For example, if you're telling the reader to "Install Node.js and write a class", you should have one step named "Install Node.js", and the following step should be "Write a class".
Use visuals
Ideally, each step should be accompanied by screenshots, code snippets, and videos. Visual content helps the reader retain more information.
Follow a logical order
If you write step-by-step tutorials, the steps must follow a logical order. Otherwise, you risk creating a negative experience for the user trying to learn a new subject.
A good example is:
Install Java.
Write a class.
Create an object.
You do not:
Write a class.
Install Java.
Create an object.
In the conclusion, you tell users what they have learned at the end of the technical blog post. In the conclusion, you can add:
Links to your social media (GitHub included) to follow you.
A link to your newsletter to subscribe to.
A "Related resources" section where you share links that could help your readers.
Key Takeaways
After reading this article, you know how to write a technical blog post. This template should help you write technical blog posts faster.
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